The world's first-class crystal singing bowls, why do we call them "first class"? Well because for this special collection, we do make sure that every single bowl has a PERFECT pitch and it's rigorously tuned to the 432hz frequency. These colorful singing bowls generate vibrations that open channels for clear thought, contemplation and self-reflection. Used by many people around the world as a tool to reconnect to higher frequencies and align inner energy. They have been attributed with the ability to create an "altered state" in the mind of the listener, promoting relaxation and offering powerful healing properties.
Singing bowls are a type of bell that vibrates and produces a rich, deep tone when played. Also known as Tibetan bowls or Himalayan bowls. These singing bowls are widely used for relaxation, music making, holistic healing and meditation, as well for personal spirituality. They have become popular in the practices of sound healers, yoga practitioners and music therapists. In the West, they are sometimes used in alternative medicine, their modern popularity for that purpose perhaps deriving from the modal vibration studies known as “Cymatics” carried out by the physician Hans Jenny in the 1960’s.
Singing bowls are used for many purposes, including stress reduction, pain relief and balancing the body's energy system. Some people use the bowls in combination with other healing practices, such as meditation and deep breathing. Some also claim that Tibetan singing bowls can stimulate the immune system and produce beneficial changes in brain waves (yes, more on that shortly!).

Interested in some history of their origin? It is believed that singing bowls were (and still are) an integral part of practicing Buddhism. According to Tibetan tradition, the existence of singing bowls dates back to the time of the historical Buddha Shakyamuni (560 – 480 B.C.). The tradition was brought from India to Tibet, along with the teachings of the Buddha, by the great tantric master Padmasambhava in the 8th century A.D. Singing bowls (also known as standing bells) can be found on private Buddhist altars, and in temples, monasteries and meditation halls throughout the world. Notwithstanding these origins, singing bowls and its sound therapy has traveled across many religions and cultures throughout history and it’s now used around the world outside religion as well.
“Sounds coming from the singing bowls give each person a different lesson, which is what we call “Voidness teaching” almost like a mantra but of course very different. Whether people who are using it are Buddhists or non-Buddhists, young or very old, everybody is attracted or somehow connected to its sound in a level we can’t really explain with words. In the tradition of Buddhism, even from the very beginning, from the first teaching of Buddha, we’ve had the tradition of using sound in connection with teaching. Someone who can play the singing bowl, immediately can receive a deep internal lesson through its harmony and vibration. It not only affects the person who’s using it, but it also affects all of its surroundings, the sound travels very far even when we can’t physically hear it. “ - Lama Lobsang Leshe, Nepali monk at Drepung Monastery, the biggest gompa in Tibet (1959).
Sound healing, which is also known as sound therapy, has been practiced since ancient times. The concept of sound therapy is based on the idea that every part of your body creates a vibration which resonates in a certain way. Vibrational healing is based on the theory that everything in the universe, including our physical bodies, is in a state of vibration. When your body is out of balance, diseases may manifest. In other words, illness is a product of a blockage, a blockage which stops the organ in question from vibrating at its healthy frequency. Based on vibration studies (known as Cymatics), sound healing works by bringing harmony through oscillation and resonance, helping restore the body’s frequency balance.
FUN FACT, There’s a study report from the Swiss journal Research in Complementary Medicine. For the study, 54 people with chronic pain originating from the spine were assigned to either six sessions of singing bowl therapy, a placebo treatment, or no treatment at all. Study results showed that members of the singing bowl group experienced a significant decrease in pain intensity. The study's authors also found that singing bowl therapy had a stress-reducing effect on participants.

A series of pure crystal bowl therapy is said to help re-balance your body to optimal health. This therapy is believed to transmit energy to your aura and directly affect your brain wave activity, supporting an improved state of consciousness. Various alternative health practitioners believe that crystal singing bowls are powerful tools that can help heal mental and physical ailments.
Alternative health practitioners believe that this process expands your awareness and brings a positive shift in your consciousness, helping align yourself with your true, original self while practicing mindfulness guided by the sound of the crystal singing bowls. It is also believed that quartz crystals have the ability to balance your electromagnetic field during singing bowl meditations.
YES, another FUN FACT: A preliminary study published in the American Journal of Health Promotion in 2014 examined the benefits of practicing a directed relaxation session with singing bowls for 12 minutes, they found a greater reduction in systolic blood pressure and heart rate compared to a silenced directed relaxation session.

So what are these unique bowls made of, you may ask?
While metal bowls are still very common, modern technology has permitted the invention of crystal singing bowls, which require complex manufacturing processes. Crystal singing bowls are made of pure quartz (essentially 99.8% quartz) and sand, which are combined in a spinning mold, such process heats the mixture to about 4,000 degrees. During the manufacturing process, it is very important to consider the tone of the sound that will be produced by the end product. Frosted bowls tend to have an octave higher tone when compared to clear quartz singing bowls. Each quartz singing bowl is matched to the musical scale C, D, E, F, G, A, B which relates to a different chakra of your body. Furthermore, it is believed that crystal singing bowls are aligned to match the frequency found in the human body and correspond to the octave of the sound within our etheric body, this makes them the most dynamic and modern type of tool used for sound therapy. For this reason, many believe that quartz crystal singing bowls are the best type of singing bowls at the moment. Pure quartz crystal contains the full spectrum of light and these bowls use specific colors that compliment each chakra, they are generally light and can be played while being held in hand.
Want ONE MORE fun fact? Yes? Well, here you go: The body has a natural affinity to quartz. On a molecular level, our cells contain silica, which balances our electromagnetic energies. Crystal acts as an oscillator, magnifying and transmitting a tone, such sound affects the brainwave activity in a way that allows an altered state of consciousness. As different parts of the brain are affected, it is probable that it releases different hormones and neuro-chemicals beneficial to physical and mental well-being.

Well, IN A NUTSHELL, singing bowls provide:
- Immediate centering effect.
- Effectively reduces stress and anxiety.
- Potential to relieve physical pain without medication.
- Promotes mental and emotional clarity.
- The tones set up a “frequency following response” that creates a balancing left/right brain synchronization.
- Integrating the use of such bowls may help enhance the relaxing effects of stress management techniques like meditation, deep breathing, guided imagery, Reiki and more.
- Deep relaxation and health benefits.
- Each crystal singing bowl is tuned to a particular frequency that resonates with a specific chakra.
- Cleanses and balances chakras.
- Stimulates the immune system.
- Guiding for meditation and healing.
Healing Properties
The ancient civilizations of India, Africa, Europe and the Orient have used sound and music as powerful healers for thousands of years. Our ancestors believed that the sacred vibrational sound can adjust any imbalance affecting our physical or emotional well-being. Based on this concept, crystal sound therapy is believed to balance your chakra and re-energize your auric field.
A famous oncologist, Dr. Mitchell Gaynor, used crystal singing bowl therapy on his patients to minimize and relieve pain without medication. His studies have claimed that sound healing therapy helps to create natural inner harmony in the body.
Enjoy meditating? Crystal singing bowls help you meditate by creating more awareness in your mind. By meditating with a crystal singing bowl, you can become immersed in the soothing singing bowl’s sound which further helps you heal by changing your thinking patterns and creating balance and harmony in your mind and soul by activating your physical, emotional and energy centers. Healing happens organically either consciously and/or subconsciously.
Oh, enjoy sleeping too? Crystal singing bowls have the ability to slow your brain wave patterns, creating more delta waves. These are the dominant waves present during your sleep. In this way, singing bowls can help bring deep sleep by releasing stress and mental noise.
RED: Note C, Root Chakra (Governs your family ties and feelings of belonging, and safety. Your earliest memories are stored here. Responsible for your connection to the earth and Kundalini energy).
ORANGE: Note D, Sacral Chakra (Source of our sexual and creative energies. Represents fluidity, creativity, and fertility).
YELLOW: Note E, Solar Plexus Chakra (Point of individual power and self-esteem).
GREEN: Note F, Heart Chakra (Gatekeeper to the higher chakras. Represents where the physical and the spiritual meet. This is the point where we take in and send out our love).
BLUE: Note G, Throat Chakra (Center for communication, both outwardly with others and inwardly with ourselves).
INDIGO: Note A, Third-Eye Chakra (Center for psychic, intuitive abilities and inner wisdom, it governs how the rest of the chakras function or vise versa).
VIOLET: Note B, Crown Chakra, Violet (Center of enlightenment and our spiritual connection to our higher selves. Connects to beauty itself and the spiritual realm. It helps you understand who you are beyond your physical self).
For a more in depth explanation of all the seven chakras, to know exactly what each one of them do, what happens when they're blocked or imbalanced and to fully figure out which one you should work on, then please read our article The 7 Chakras Explained!
Well... that was a lot of rich info to take in, wasn’t it? Here’s our conclusion: Crystal singing bowls are a way of honoring ancient wisdom with modern technology. They create profound sounds that can help shift your consciousness and support positive physical, mental, emotional and spiritual transformation. Whether you decide to use them as a musical instrument, a calming tool or a spiritual guide (or all of them!) it is worth giving it a chance as long as it resonates with you.
Tips to Use the Singing Bowl
- Place the rubber ring that comes with the bowl on a flat surface and set your bowl on it, OR, place them in hand.
- Firmly press the accompanying mallet or striker (it often looks like a pencil) in a circular motion against the bowl's outside edge or rim.
- When you hear a bright, clear tone, you can slow down the motion.
- Use your full arm to make the motion, rather than just rotating your wrist.
- You can also make the same circular motion against the outside belly of the bowl.
- You can gently strike the bowl before beginning the circular motion (I’m sure you’ll find your own unique technique! There’s no strict rules).
- You may have to practice a few times to achieve that perfect sound.
- Always use light pressure while taping the quartz bowl as they are fragile. When handled with care, these bowls can remain vibrant and beautiful for a lifetime.
- EXTRA TIP: If you want to make things easier, we recommend that you use a wooden suede mallet in order to make your bowl sing louder faster.
Diameter: 20-30cm.
Weight: 6-10 kg.
Size: 6 inches.
Frequency: 432Hz.
Material: 99.99% pure quartz crystal.
Accessories included in the Full Set Purchase: 2 Suede Sticks and 7 o-rings.
Accessories included in Individual Bowl Purchase: 1 Suede Sticks and 1 Rubber Ring.
Delivery: FREE SHIPPING! We will make the singing bowl(s) from scratch after receiving your order in order to minimize out carbon dioxide footprint, therefore delivery might take between 15 up to 60 days depending on your country and the current demand, handled with much care. We provide professional and safe packaging. We promise item replacement or money refund if there is any damage or missing piece during delivery. Each crystal singing bowl will be inspected before dispatch. Please allow 60 days after making your order before contacting us regarding delivery status.
(NOTE: Please allow extra shipping time due to COVID-19)