By now, we all know that single-use plastics are dangerous for the environment, but still, the USA alone is using 500 million straws every day (enough straws to circle around the Earth 2.5 times!), not to mention the other 437 million to 8.3 billion plastic straws on the world's coastlines. That’s a lot of trash, pal.
In order to understand the environmental impact of straws, it is important to know the difference between biodegradation and degradation. Biodegrading is when an item can be naturally broken down and digested by microorganisms, and then naturally recycled into new organic molecules and life. On the other hand, degrading is just the process of breaking down into smaller pieces.
When plastic degrades, the bulk of the plastic will seem to disappear, however, what’s really happening is the plastic is breaking into smaller, invisible pieces that will always stay on Earth. And with that being said, plastic straws take up to 200 years to degrade, but will never be fully off the planet, as plastics are not biodegradable. To make matters worse, the degrading of plastic releases chemicals that are toxic to wildlife and the environment.
But hey, no worries! We’re here to contribute to the solution. We know that finding an easy to clean, easy to carry and easy to use reusable straw can be tough, but look no more, here in Eco-Ego Boutique we offer stylish and practical stainless steel straws for anybody who’s interested in helping our pachamama (aka the Earth).
They’re 100% made of 304 stainless steel (18/8) which is non-toxic, BPA free, lead free and FDA standard. No metal aftertaste, it is rust proof and dishwasher safe. You can clean them either by placing them in boiling water, by using the dishwasher and/or by using the straw brush (which is included!).
They come with a practical pouch so you can carry your reusable straws with you wherever you go, in order to avoid using the evil plastic ones. Once you get used to it, you'll hardly notice a difference and you'll be doing your part to help save marine life and more. Let’s all become the modern local hero we all need.
Not so fun facts:
71% of seabirds and 30% of turtles have been found with plastic in their stomachs, which skyrockets their mortality rate to 50%. At the rate we're using straws, there is estimated to be more plastic in the ocean than fish by 2050, according to a report by the Ellen Macarthur Foundation.
- The rate of plastics production growth has increased 620% since 1975.
- Estimates for how long plastic endures range from 450 years to basically forever.
- Most recycling machines aren’t capable of recycling straws, given their size.
- Only 9% of plastics are recycled. It has remained at 9% since 2012 in spite of increased recycling efforts and education.
- There are alternative straws being manufactured and marketed, including “compostable” plastic straws, some made from corn or potato starch and other ingredients. In most cases, compostable plastic straws will not be composted or biodegrade on their own. They need oxygen and sunshine to break down, neither of which is available in a landfill or in the ocean. Which is why it’s encouraged to opt for metal straws instead.
Now finally let’s get to the FUN facts
Metal straws are the most eco-friendly choice so far, they’re a wonderful way to reduce waste in landfills. Eliminating the plastic straws from waste will most definitely make a huge positive difference.
The safest reusable straw. Unlike some alternatives like bamboo or glass straws, stainless steel straws don't break easily and can even hold up against rust. This is great especially for those with children!
Buying a metal straw is the best way to begin your eco-friendly journey. Baby steps. We know that switching to a fully sustainable lifestyle might take practice, and guess what, carrying your metal straw around will naturally remind you to refuse plastic and eventually make it a habit.
A breeze to clean. After using the metal straw for another drink, simply take a few sips from your water bottle with it. This will give it a rinse to go back in the bag until you can wash it properly with detergent and the straw brush, you can also boil it or use the dishwasher.
It will in fact make your drink actually taste better (say what?!) Yes, studies have shown that the materials utensils have an effect on taste. For example “Food was rated as significantly more pleasant, and perceived to be of higher quality, when tasted with a heavier metallic spoon as compared to a metallic-looking plastic spoon”. Same goes to metal straws, woohoo!
-FREE SHIPPING! It takes 15 to 45 days for delivery depending on your country, handled with much care. We provide professional and safe packaging. We promise item replacement or money refund if there is any damage or missing piece during delivery.
-Package Includes: 8 straws, 2 cleaning brushes, 1 pouch.
(NOTE: Please allow extra shipping time due to COVID-19)